Sunday, November 6, 2011


A beautiful young girl was crying for help and weeping her heart out, while standing on the Bridge of Sutlej River near Shujahabad, Multan. Her cries were really tearing the listener’s hearts out. She had fear in her eyes, regret in her body language and a gesture of helplessness.  She was a very pretty Lady but, visibly looked shaken.  People started rushing towards her for want of cause of her such state.
This was a Bright Afternoon of September 1989. The River below the bridge was flowing very fast. Though, it was not full but still, water was about 50-80 feet deep. This Bridge, in normal circumstances, when the river is flowing regular, is about 100 feet above it. This is a multipurpose Bridge used for road as well as Rail traffic. At that point of time, the river water was flowing almost 50 feet below the Bridge.
On inquiry, the Girl, who later told her name as Ms Ejbah, though still weeping, told that she had come for an outing from Multan Cantonment with her Boyfriend, who was a Captain of Pakistan Army, namely Mr. Imran. She narrated that while they were standing on the Bridge and enjoying the view, she jokingly asked Captain Imran, her Boyfriend, as to what can he do for her to prove his love to her. Captain Imran replied, as told by Ms Ejbah, that he would do anything for her, she just has to name it. On this, she asked Captain Imran that can he jump into the river below from where they were standing. She said that Captain Imran asked her as to whether she is serious and on her positive response, jumped into the river, which was flowing very fast 50 feet below and was fearsome even to look at. Now she is crying because it’s been some time and her boyfriend has disappeared into the water and there is no sign of him since.
The Rescue Teams and police were called. Divers took the entire evening and some part of the night to locate the Captain or his body but in vein. The bridges towards the river flow were radioed and all the Villages/Towns all along the river bank were informed and were asked to extend their help. Till late night nothing was heard of the missing Boyfriend. The dejected lady was escorted to her home.
The Army authorities were also informed during the course and they, after getting the necessary information from the Girl, were able to establish the positive identity of Captain Imran and his unit. The matter was reported to the authorities.
Surprise Surprise! Captain Imran appeared his Unit Officer’s Mess by about early Dawn, when the Unit was ultimately about to inform Captain Imran’s parents of the Tragedy.
The Captain revealed that when he jumped into the river, due to the height of the Jumping point, he was drawn deep into the water. Rather he almost touched the river bed. The current of the river was so fast that by the time he surfaced, he was miles away from the Sutlej Bridge and in the middle of the river. He started swimming towards the river bank but, due to the fast current, drifted further another few miles away and was able to ashore.
A disciplinary action was initiated by the Army, as per their rules, against Captain Imran. He was charge-sheeted produced before the Divisional Commander, The General Officer Commanding the division, General “D”.
General “D” asked the Captain as to why did he do such an irrational and stupid act. The reply of the young Captain is part of the Glorious History of Pakistan Army. He said and I quote “Sir, the young Lady has asked me to jump into the River. It was a place from where normal person could feel chilled in his backbone due to fear of height, river current and ultimate death. For me, it was the reputation of the Pakistan Army in general and Pakistan Army Officer in particular at stake. I had no choice but to jump come what may. So I jumped and saved the Glorious name of Pakistan Army by putting my life in Danger.”
The General gave a big laugh and dismissed the case against the Captain.
What was reaction of Ms Ejbah when she learnt about the survival of Captain Imran is anybody’s guess. Her Emotions cannot be boxed into words. I can only say that she survived the quantum of happiness.
She is now mother of Two Kids of Captain Imran (now Brigadier) and thinks million times before asking any further adventure from her beloved Husband and they are living happily.

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