Sunday, October 16, 2011


He was so jubilant and exited that one can see/feel his delight from miles away. After seeing me from a distance he started jumping with joy and dancing and kept moving towards me. It was really a scene which also made me happy. When he narrated the reason for his happiness, tears of joy also started flowing from my eyes. It was such a feat/achievement that one had to cry.
            Ok, Ok, now let me start from the beginning. It was year 2000 when the renowned Dr Atta ur Rehman was made the Federal Minister for Education & IT for Pakistan. He, on the instructions of the then President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf, announced the new IT policy. According to which IT education was made part of the syllabus from school level and made compulsory. That year, it was introduced for intermediate college level (i.e., Class XI & XII).
            In those days, I was, after retiring from the Armed Forces, was busy as an Advocate of the High Court. Luckily, I have a group of my 5 close friends. One fine day they came to me and told me that my services are required for Pakistan and the Pakistan’s youth. On my enquiring, they told me that though the new IT policy has been announced but, as it always happen in the government sector, no infrastructure is available for its realistic implementation and especially in Baluchistan. They apprised me that though the government has allocated funds for the same and equipment is being procured at very fast track for establishment of the computer labs but still, the instructors/teachers of IT are not available. Thus the students will remain short of qualified instructors.
            I was getting impatient so I asked them as to why are they telling me all this. On that they reminded me of my expertise in the computers and being formally qualified, as I was Masters in Computer Sciences. Keeping that in view, they all unanimously decided and had come to me to make me ready that I should come forward and help in making the required awareness in IT by teaching fresh Matriculate Students, who are seeking admissions in ICS (Intermediate in Computer Sciences).
            After thorough deliberations, a modus operandi was made. Subsequently, a place was arranged on rent in the middle of the city, from where commuter buses/wagons from almost all locations of the city use to pass. Computers were purchased and Classroom was suitably furnished/ established. It was also very nicely ensured that the selected location was adjacent to a very famous Tuition/Coaching centre. Advantage being of the students, that all their relevant subjects, i.e., Physics, Mathematics, English etc were being taught there.
            After the opening ceremony, the students started pouring in, initially slowly and gradually and then a time came when I had to sit late and was to take nine classes in a day. The students of BCS, ICMA, ACCA, and MCS were also insisting admission but it was not humanly possible for me to adjust them.
            Anyhow, to cut the long story short. One day when I was taking the class of fresh ICS, I noticed that a young boy, who had joined the class the same very date, seemed very uncomfortable. He was attending the class for the first time. After the class, he very hesitantly asked me that he wants to talk to me about something alone. I told him to wait outside and meet me after the classes to which he agreed.
            On getting free, I called him in and asked him as to what is it which is bothering him and that he could not talk in front of others.
            The young man, a Mr. Z, am still glad, was very straight in telling me the truth. He told me that he has come from Zhob, a city 350/400 kms North of Quetta and an old cantonment. And that he had come to Quetta for studies and staying in a rented room in the city and this is the first time he has come away from his home. But the revelation which stunned me was the one he confided later. He confessed that though he has passed his Matriculation exam and is a matriculate as per his paper but, he practically knew nothing. He told me that since class 1st, he, along with all his classmates were promoted to the next class only by looking after the welfare of their school teachers and working in their Farms and houses. On my asking he revealed   that he has never passed any exam at his own and in all exams he was provided help by the teachers in shape of cheating/ copying and in lower classes, by promoting them ahead. And this is how he did his matriculation. I don’t know about my readers but, I was really horrified to hear that and was taken aback.
            After a while I then ask him as to what does he want. Mr. ’Z’ said that he is really keen & wanted education. I took two promises from him. One; he will never copy / cheat again. Two; he will work hard the way I tell him to. He agreed and I admitted him in the class.
Rest is the story of determination and dedication. On his first spot test Mr. ‘Z’ failed miserably. On the midterm test he was almost in the middle of the class. But on the end term test, to my delighted surprise, he stood first in the class.
Two years passed and the day of the final exam came. Mr. ‘Z’ contacted me and informed me that his paper of IT shall be that day from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. He asked me as to where would I be at that point of time. I, to give him encouragement, informed him that I shall be waiting for him in the classroom. At around 12:30 pm, he came to the classroom, his face flushed, and all smiles on his face and he said “sir, for the first time in my life, I have appeared in an exam without any unfair help and I am confident that I have done well”. I gave a pat to him and said that my prayers are with him.
On the day of result, he again informed me that it is the day when the result shall be announced and asked me as to where would I be. I told him that I shall be waiting for him in the classroom.
Rest is all a delightful history. Mr. ‘Z’ came to me dancing. One can imagine the emotions of a person who has topped ICS with flying colors that year with his shear hard work and for the first time, without using unfair means. It was just like a Farmer who yields his crop after months of hard work. Mr. ‘Z’ then was able to enter the Engineering University by scoring maximum marks in his entrance examination and presently is in America doing his doctorate. A person who has never even dreamt of coming to Quetta is now doing his doctorate in a place like America.
Through the above real life story there are morals which can be said to be brought out but one which is very glaringly prominent from others beside the Hard Work of Mr. ‘Z’. And that is realization at the first place by him of his weakness and facing it head-on. He realized that it was wrong when he was elevated to next standards by adopting unfair means and thus remained uneducated in a real sense. He accepted it and faced it like a man and came out successful. 


S A J Shirazi said...

Useful. I will settle for love though,

Zaffariqbal Durrani said...

Thank you

Jamil said...

Great motivational story of a brave young man but ab eye opener for the kind of Educational system we follow.

Zaffariqbal Durrani said...

Thank you for your precious views